Monday, 19 September 2011

Men Also Can be affected by Breast Cancer
Although beast cancer have affected most women, but men also can suffer from the disease. Male breast anatomy is no different with women. But men have more testosterone which can suppress breast development. Therefore, the breast tissue is dominated only by channels that do not develop and a small amount of fat
However, under certain conditions, male breasts can be enlarged due to the consumption of drugs such as antibiotics, marijuana, heroin, antidepressants, amphetamines, and AIDS therapy. Breast enlargement or gynecomastia may also occur when men experience hormonal imbalance and obesity.
Because of their organ are similar with women, breast cancer disease could also threaten a man. The high Estrogen levels are risk for developing breast cancer cells. Female sex hormone or estrogen stimulates breast cells and divide actively in large numbers. Many cells are damaged and this damage to genes that cause cancer. The initial symptoms of this disease usually are in the form of a lump or pain in the chest. “Breasts are harder and nipples become sore,” said plastic surgeon, Enrina Diah.
The man still lay with the disease. They often ignore the symptoms. Many men knew that they suffered from the disease in the elderly. According to the nonprofit, this disease attacked men less than one percent of all breast cancer diagnoses in women.
Mammography can be the initial technique for diagnosing breast cancer. If a mass is found in this examination, the doctor will perform a biopsy to take sample of the bump. Surgery or the lump removal is often being the priority choice to stop the spread locally in the nipple or skin.
Male breast cancer is extremely uncommon and just covers 1% of all breast cancers. For men, between the ages of 60 and 70 is the most common age to get this cancer type. It is About 1,990 new cases were detected in the US in 2008, and will lead to 480 deaths, as said by the American Cancer Society. And about 40,000 females die yearly from this dreadful cancer.
It is greatly important to know about the reason why men can grow male breast cancer. According to many researchers, besides inherited or genetic aspects, it also can be environmental problems that are possible to contribute in its development.
Recognized gene in the family or family history contributes about 5-10% of all breast cancer in men. In addition, exposure to radiation continually and high levels of estrogen for a long time in young age could contribute as well.
If it is diagnosed at an early stage, men identified with this cancer have a good opportunity for treatment. However, the symptoms should not be overlooked. The most common symptom of male breast cancer is a breast lump. For the most part of cases are made a diagnosis after the illness has got an advanced condition.
A number of the symptoms are as followed: a lump that is painless in nature; the skin covering the breast feels dimpling, redness, puckering, or scaling; discharge from the nipple; thickening of the breast tissue; and nipple may turn inward.
Male Breast Cancer Treatments:
Actually there are a number of measures that can be used for the treatments, and certain process used may rely on the stage or type of the cancer. Removing the breast with surgical method or mastectomy, then chemotherapy and radiation are methods of breast cancer treatment. However, the male breast cancer treatments must be discussed personally between the patient and doctor.


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